A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Self-Care Kit

What is a self-care kit, and why is it important for mental well-being?
A self-care kit is a collection of items and activities that promote relaxation and help cope with stress. It’s a proactive tool for maintaining mental health, offering distractions during challenging times. Prioritizing self-care enhances overall well-being, fostering resilience against anxiety and stress while improving the mind-body connection.

Discover the transformative power of a self-care kit. Creating one equips you with a personalized toolkit for managing stress, fostering resilience, and nurturing your mental well-being. This simple practice empowers you to prioritize self-care, helping you find solace amid chaos, rejuvenate your mind and body, and ultimately lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your mental health and enrich your daily experiences – your journey to self-care starts here.

What is a self-care kit?

A self-care kit contains items that can help you cope when you’re experiencing a crisis and promote wellness and relaxation. As part of your self-care plan, a self-care kit is an essential tool.

Being mentally fit is equally important as being physically fit. Research has also shown a direct link between mental health and physical illness.

So why do we often neglect our mental health? Almost every home and workplace have a first aid kit. So why not have a self-care emergency kit? Take it a step further and create one that goes beyond emergencies.

Why do I need a self-care kit?

Self-care kits are important because they give you a go-to list of activities or items that make you feel good. When you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain down, having a self-care kit can help you get through it.

A self-care kit can provide a much-needed distraction from whatever is causing you distress. It will also help you remember that there are things in your life that make you happy.

If used routinely, it is a proactive measure to ward off anxiety and stress. A self-care routine will also give you something to look forward to at the end of a challenging day.

Why is self-care important?

Self-care is important because it helps us cope with stress and build resilience. However, our health suffers when we don’t give ourselves enough attention. This can include poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and even heart disease.

Research shows that there is a strong mind-body connection. Therefore, self-care improves your health and overall well-being.

Taking time out for yourself is essential to maintaining good mental health. This means scheduling regular times to rest, exercise and spend quality time with friends and family.

I feel fine, do I still need one?

Even if you are not experiencing mental illness, you should prioritize taking care of your mental health.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, “Mental health is more than the absence of a mental health condition or illness: it is a positive sense of well-being, or the capacity to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face.”

Life Stories

Meet Jayden, a busy professional juggling work, family, and personal commitments. Faced with mounting stress, he decided to create a self-care kit. He included a calming essential oil blend, a pocket-sized journal, and a playlist of his favorite soothing music. One hectic day, Jayden found himself overwhelmed. Remembering his self-care kit, he dabbed the essential oil, jotted down his thoughts, and played the music. These simple actions helped him regain composure, find clarity amidst chaos, and approach challenges with a renewed perspective. Jayden’s experience exemplifies how a self-care kit can be a lifeline, offering moments of solace and empowerment when needed most. Start building your self-care kit today to uncover the transformative impact it can have on your life.

What should be in a self-care kit?

Creating a self-care kit isn’t always easy. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what you should include.

The key is finding something that makes you happy and helps you relax. You can even start with a few items and build your kit over time.

Your self-care kit can be anything you want. For example, it can be filled with physical items such as a stress ball. Or it can be a wellness routine (e.g., weekly yoga classes) or a list of strategies (e.g., when I am feeling anxious, I will listen to music). You can even make a system that combines all of these.

Ideas How to balance self-care

There are eight main areas of self-care that are essential to your well-being. Consider these areas to create balance in your self-care. Below is a table with some examples.

Create a sleep routineSay “no”Go out with a friendMeditate
Eat a healthy dinnerJournal feelingsHave coffee with coworkersPray
Have a spa dayExpress daily gratitudeCall a loved oneGo on a nature walk
Play tennisPractice self-compassionJoin a groupVolunteer
Take vitaminsDetox from social mediaPlan a BBQ for neighborsGo on a retreat
Read a bookCreate a budgetSet work boundariesDeclutter a closet
Solve a puzzleStart a savings accountNegotiate your needsPlant a garden
Learn a new skillFile taxes Work on time managementOrganize paperwork
Make a vision boardPay bills on timeImprove work/life balanceInstall home security
Create artContribute to investmentAttend a workshopPaint your bedroom

How do I make a self-care kit?

Getting Started

  • A wellness kit is super easy to put together. Start with what you already have on hand. Build up your kit over time.
  • The key is to make time for yourself even if you’re not experiencing stress. The cumulative effects of pampering yourself are just as beneficial.
  • Your kit doesn’t have to include only physical items. Consider other options such as health apps, a daily wellness checklist (e.g., what have you done today to boost your mood?), or a weekly class.
  • Make a mental health check-up a part of your routine. Try to examine your stress and coping habits weekly. Are you overwhelmed? Are there things you can take off your plate? Are you dealing with stress in a destructive way? What can you do differently? Take a mental health day if you can.
  • Help other family members or friends create one. If you have kids, it’s a good habit to get them into to help cope with stress.
  • Use your self-care kit! Don’t create it and forget about it. Make it something that you want to use.

You can access your self-care kit during a difficult moment, but I recommend using it as part of your daily routine. Putting one together can be a lot of fun.

Notes Bonus Tips

  • Work on creating balance with your wellness kit. Include things that nourish the mind, body, and soul.
  • Make a “Do this instead” list. A do this, not that, list replaces negative responses with positive ones.
  • Make sure your items are healthy and positive. The goal is to provide a distraction that makes you feel good and is good for you:
    • Distractions (e.g., puzzle books, coloring)
    • Sensory-oriented (e.g., aromatherapy, chocolate, music)
    • Reframing (e.g., affirmations, call a friend, inspirational quotes)
  • When selecting items, consider all your senses: taste, touch, hearing, smell, and sight.
  • Have fun with it! Be childish. Think back to things from your childhood that made you happy.

How do I use my self-care kit?

When you’re experiencing distress and need to calm yourself, refer to your action plan.

Depending on where you are when a crisis hits, you can access your self-care kit. If you are unable to, use a distraction to start with. Keep a list of positive coping strategies handy to refer to in emergencies.

Avoid resorting to harmful coping mechanisms. The key is to replace these habits with healthy ones. Making a self-care kit accessible that is filled with positive alternatives will make this easier.

What’s in MY self-care kit?

Here are some of the things that are in my self-care kit:

Other things I use for my anti-stress strategy include:

  • Daily fitness routine
  • Listening to music
  • Meditation for nights when it’s tough to unwind and go to sleep
  • Green tea
  • Talking with a friend
  • Watching a comedy show or movie
  • “F*ck It” list (a list of things you want to do or try even if they’re out of your comfort zone)



Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s a necessity.

Don’t wait until you’re on the verge of burnout to take care of yourself. By proactively creating a self-care kit, you can take small steps each day to ensure your own wellness–and prevent big problems down the road. Get started on your self-care kit today!

Call to Action Call to Action: Build a Self-Care Kit

Here is a guide to help you create a self-care kit right now:

Step 1: Identify your triggers. Write a list of typical situations that cause stress or anxiety or lower your mood.

Step 2: Build your arsenal. Make an inventory of things that reduce your stress or boost your mood. What helps you through these moments? What has been effective in the past? These are your weapons against stress and anxiety.

Step 3: Create your strategy. Gather up the items or resources for your box. Put together your plan. Now that you have a plan of action, it will be easier to get through a crisis.

Have a plan in place for when coping skills are not enough (e.g., calling 9-1-1, your doctor or contacting family or friends).

Mental health preparedness is like emergency preparedness. Once you know what to do and have the resources, you will have an edge in getting through tough times.

Warning Disclaimer

This post is for general information only. This is not medical advice and should not replace your treatment plan. A qualified healthcare professional should be consulted before making decisions about treatment.

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