Remote Body Doubling: A Revolution in ADHD-Friendly Workspaces

What is the potential of remote body doubling for ADHD-friendly workspaces?
Remote body doubling is revolutionary for ADHD-friendly workspaces. By virtually partnering with another individual, those with ADHD can boost their focus and productivity, transforming their work habits and efficiency in the digital era.

Harnessing the power of remote body doubling can revolutionize your workspace experience, especially if ADHD challenges your productivity. By understanding and implementing this method, you can unlock heightened levels of focus and efficiency, allowing you to achieve your goals faster and more consistently. Embrace this innovative approach and witness a transformative change in your daily tasks and long-term projects. Don’t just work; thrive!

The Roots of Body Doubling

Imagine you’re on a quiet journey, with every step echoing your solitude. Now, imagine you have a silent companion with you, making that journey more rhythmic, more harmonious. That’s the essence of body doubling.

What is body doubling?

At its core, body doubling is the simple presence of another individual during a task or activity. It isn’t about collaboration or teamwork in the traditional sense. It’s about having someone else there, creating an atmosphere of shared focus and mutual drive, even if they’re engrossed in their own tasks.

ADHD and its relationship with body doubling

For those with ADHD, distractions are often frequent and intense, challenging tasks requiring prolonged focus. Enter body doubling. The presence of another, especially someone who understands or shares the ADHD journey, can act like an anchor, grounding and enhancing focus. It’s a silent yet profound way of saying, “I’m here with you every step of the way.” This mutual energy, derived from shared space, can make monumental shifts in how someone with ADHD approaches and completes tasks.

Enter the Remote Era

Work dynamics witnessed a radical transformation as the world shifted gears, moving from bustling office spaces to the cozy corners of our homes. This evolution wasn’t just about technology or flexibility but about redefining our workspaces and practices.

The rise of remote work

The digital age ushered us into an era where location ceased to be a barrier. Suddenly, teams across continents could collaborate in real-time, and the traditional 9-to-5 mold crumbled. This shift wasn’t just about convenience; it opened the doors to diverse talents, ideas, and innovations from around the globe.

Integrating body doubling in virtual settings

In this expansive remote landscape, the concept of body doubling found new avenues. While traditionally, it meant sharing a physical space; the remote era provided an opportunity to share a digital one. Platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams became the new “rooms” where individuals could silently co-work. No longer bound by geographical constraints, people could now find their ideal body double from anywhere in the world, providing a unique synergy and shared motivation, even amidst vast digital spaces.

The Mechanics of Remote Body Doubling

Navigating the virtual workspace is much like piecing together a puzzle. It requires the right tools and a precise method to harness its full potential. And when it comes to integrating the concept of body doubling, the mechanics become even more fascinating.

Tools and platforms for connection

Various tools and platforms have emerged in our interconnected age, catering to diverse remote needs. Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype have become the go-to for many, offering a seamless interface to bridge distances. Beyond video calls, these tools provide a virtual environment conducive to shared focus and mutual determination, which is crucial for body doubling.

Setting up a successful session

A fruitful body doubling session in a virtual setting isn’t just about logging in and getting started. It requires a well-thought-out plan. Begin by choosing a comfortable workspace free from potential distractions. Next, coordinate with your body double to set specific goals for the session. Decide if there will be periodic check-ins or if the session will be a silent co-working period. Ensure both parties have a stable internet connection and have backups ready, like a phone hotspot. Lastly, jump in, keeping in mind the shared intention to boost productivity and support each other, even if it’s through a screen.

Benefits for the ADHD Workforce

When we discuss ADHD, it’s imperative to understand the unique challenges and nuances that individuals with ADHD face daily. Incorporating strategies like body doubling can be game-changing. But what exactly does this bring to the table for the ADHD workforce?

Enhancing focus and productivity

For those with ADHD, maintaining sustained focus can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. However, the subtle power of having another individual—engaged in their task—can create a ripple effect. This shared environment fosters a renewed sense of commitment, enhancing the quality of work and the speed at which tasks are accomplished.

Reducing procrastination and overwhelm

It’s common for individuals with ADHD to grapple with overwhelmed feelings, leading to procrastination. The beauty of body doubling, especially in a remote setting, lies in its ability to break down these barriers organically. Knowing someone else is present and working alongside can serve as a gentle nudge, steering away from the pitfalls of delay and fostering a more streamlined, focused approach to tasks.

Overcoming Potential Hurdles

Every innovative approach has its share of roadblocks and misconceptions. Diving into the world of remote body doubling isn’t exempt from this. To truly harness its potential, one must be aware of and equipped to navigate these hurdles.

Common misconceptions

One of the prevailing misconceptions about body doubling is that it’s a form of surveillance or accountability policing. Many feel it may infringe on their autonomy or be a sign of mistrust. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Body doubling is more about mutual presence and shared energy than monitoring or judgment. Another myth is that it’s only beneficial for those with ADHD when, in fact, many without ADHD have found value in this practice as well.

Solutions to potential issues

Open communication is vital to address misconceptions. If you’re introducing someone to the concept, provide them with resources or firsthand experiences that showcase the genuine benefits. As for potential technical glitches in remote settings, always have a backup plan—a secondary platform or device. Set ground rules and expectations beforehand to ensure comfort and mutual respect during sessions. This can include breaks, interaction levels, and feedback mechanisms, ensuring both participants benefit from the experience.

Future Outlook and Innovations

As the digital landscape continually evolves, so does how we approach work, collaboration, and productivity. The realm of remote body doubling stands at an exciting juncture, ripe with possibilities and innovations.

The future trajectory of remote body doubling

The practice of body doubling, once a relatively niche concept, is gaining traction in the broader workforce. As remote work solidifies in the modern world, the demand for tools and techniques to enhance focus and productivity rises. Remote body doubling is poised to become not just a tool for the ADHD community but a mainstream approach to collaborative and individual work alike.

New tools and platforms on the horizon

The tech world is ever-responsive to emerging needs. We can anticipate platforms that cater specifically to the nuances of body doubling, offering features that go beyond simple video connectivity. Imagine tools allowing mutual goal-setting, synchronized breaks, or even shared ambient soundscapes to emulate a co-working space. As AI and machine learning further integrate into our digital tools, there may be platforms that can match body-doubling partners based on work habits, goals, or even complementary skill sets.

The future of remote body doubling isn’t just about maintaining the status quo; it’s about expanding, innovating, and redefining the boundaries of collaborative work.

Life Stories

Behind every methodology and practice are the lived experiences of individuals, breathing life and authenticity into the narrative. Remote body doubling, though a concept, resonates deeply through the stories of those who’ve journeyed with it.

Testimonials and experiences

Alex, a freelance writer with ADHD, recounts, “The first time I tried remote body doubling, I was skeptical. But as the sessions went on, there was this unspoken camaraderie. I found myself finishing articles in half the usual time.” Another user, Priya, shares, “It wasn’t about being watched or judged. It was the subtle assurance that while I tackled my tasks, someone else was facing their own challenges, right with me.”

Success stories and challenges

Success isn’t just measured in completed tasks. For Sam, success was overcoming the overwhelming urge to procrastinate. “With my body double present, even virtually, it felt like I had an anchor. I could face tasks I’d been avoiding for weeks,” Sam reveals. Yet, it’s not always seamless. Jamie recounts, “There were sessions where the tech failed, or our schedules clashed. But we adapted, found new platforms, and adjusted timings. The hiccups only strengthened our resolve.”

Notes Tips and Strategies

  • Consistent Routine: Establish a fixed schedule for body doubling sessions to cultivate consistency and discipline.
  • Pre-session Check-in: A brief conversation before starting can set the tone and clarify mutual expectations.
  • Visual Aids: Utilize shared online whiteboards or note apps to track tasks and goals visually.
  • Background Ambiance: Consider using apps that generate background noises, like coffee shop sounds or gentle rain, to enhance focus.
  • Feedback Loop: After each session, share feedback. Continuous improvement helps both participants.
  • Diverse Pairings: Occasionally switch body doubling partners to gain fresh perspectives and approaches.
  • Short Breaks: Implement the Pomodoro technique, breaking sessions into chunks with short breaks in between to maintain energy.
  • Shared Resources: Share relevant articles, tools, or strategies that have worked for you, fostering a sense of community and growth.
  • Set Boundaries: Communicate your limits, such as not being available outside certain hours, to ensure mutual respect.
  • Stay Updated: With the tech world rapidly evolving, regularly explore new platforms or tools that might enhance the body doubling experience.



The realm of remote body doubling, though grounded in simplicity, holds profound implications for our evolving work landscape. It’s a testament to the idea that sometimes, the mere presence of another—be it in a physical or digital space—can make all the difference. As the lines between traditional and remote work blur, this method emerges as a beacon for those seeking focus, camaraderie, and shared purpose. Whether you’re delving into it out of curiosity or genuine need, one thing is clear: in an age of increasing digital connections, the power of human presence remains unparalleled.

Call to Action Call to Action: Unlock Your Productivity with Remote Body Doubling

Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards enhanced focus and collaboration? Follow these actionable steps:

Step 1: Research. Dive deep into understanding the nuances of body doubling. Familiarize yourself with its principles and potential benefits.

Step 2: Find a Partner. Connect with colleagues, friends, or online communities interested in exploring remote body doubling.

Step 3: Choose Your Tools. Select a virtual platform or tool to facilitate your sessions based on your preferences. Ensure it’s user-friendly and has a stable connection.

Step 4: Schedule a Session. Decide a convenient time slot for both participants, ensuring it aligns with your peak productivity hours.

Step 5: Set Clear Goals. Before diving in, establish specific objectives for the session. It can be task-based or time-bound.

Step 6: Feedback & Refine. Discuss what worked and what didn’t after your initial sessions. Continuously refine your approach for better results.

Warning Disclaimer

This post is for general information only. This is not medical advice and should not replace your treatment plan. A qualified healthcare professional should be consulted before making decisions about treatment.