My Favorite Self-Care Practices for Busy Days

We’ve all been there: the alarm goes off, you blink, and suddenly it’s nighttime. And you’re left wondering, “Where did the day go?” Between juggling a career, family, and what feels like a million tasks, life can sometimes feel like an uncontrollable rollercoaster. But here’s the thing—I’ve found some self-care practices that keep me grounded during those whirlwind days and help me carve out moments of ‘me time.’ And guess what? They’re all wrapped around some cool productivity tools.

1. Morning Pages with Digital Journaling Apps

Waking up and jotting down your thoughts can clear your mind for the day ahead. Using apps like Day One or Journey, I set aside 10 minutes every morning to scribble away. It’s like having a morning coffee chat with yourself!

2. Pomodoro Technique with Timer Tools

The Pomodoro Technique involves working for 25 minutes straight, then taking a 5-minute break. Tools like Focus Booster and Tomighty help me stay on track, ensuring I take those breaks. During breaks, I stretch, dance, or just close my eyes. It’s a small yet effective way to blend productivity with self-care.

3. Meditation with Guided Apps

Even if it’s just five minutes, taking a breather is crucial. Apps like Headspace or Calm are perfect gateways to a quick meditation session amidst a hectic day. Every time I pause a short meditation, I return to work feeling rejuvenated.

4. Digital Detox with Forest App

I admit I’m glued to my phone a lot. But, with the Forest app, I’ve found a fun way to take breaks. You plant a virtual tree that grows as long as you don’t touch your phone. By the end of the day, I have a little forest and a clear mind—win-win!

5. Stretching Breaks with ‘7 Minute Workout’

Sitting for long hours isn’t a self-care ritual. That’s where apps like 7 Minute Workout come in handy. These quick workouts are like tiny energy shots for my body.

6. Listening to Podcasts

I tune into podcasts about self-improvement and relaxation during my lunch break or while cooking dinner. Platforms like Spotify or Overcast have a vast selection. They’re a perfect blend of learning and unwinding.

7. Setting Boundaries with Do Not Disturb Features

Boundaries are a form of self-care, too. I often use my devices’ Do Not Disturb feature post-work hours. It helps me disconnect, ensuring my family time remains undisturbed.

8. Evening Reflection with Gratitude Apps

Before bed, I reflect on my day. Using apps like Five Minute Journal helps me focus on the positive, ensuring I sleep with a content heart and an optimistic mindset.

9. Automate Tasks with Task Managers

Todoist and Trello are my go-to apps to declutter my tasks. I feel more in control and less stressed when my day is organized.

10. Mind Mapping for Clear Thoughts

I love using tools like MindMeister when I feel overwhelmed with ideas or tasks. Visualizing my thoughts helps me streamline them, giving me a clearer perspective and mental peace.


Phew! Life’s busy, and sometimes, it can feel like you’re being pulled in every direction. But remember, amidst the chaos, there’s always a moment to pause, reflect, and care for yourself. I’ve discovered a sweet balance by blending these self-care practices with my favorite productivity tools. I hope you find your balance, too. Remember, it’s not about having time but making time. Cheers to a more centered, productive you! 🌟

Warning Disclaimer

This post is for general information only. This is not medical advice and should not replace your treatment plan. A qualified healthcare professional should be consulted before making decisions about treatment.