Kidulting: The Playful Answer to Today’s Stress

What is “kidulting,” and how does it help with stress?
Kidulting is the practice of adults engaging in childlike activities to combat stress. It allows them to reconnect with the simplicity and joy of childhood, providing a refreshing balance to the pressures of modern adult life.

“Kidulting” can be a transformative experience in our high-stress lives. By allowing ourselves to indulge in childlike activities, we combat overwhelming pressures and rediscover a sense of wonder and joy. In a world where adult responsibilities constantly weigh us down, kidulting offers a breath of fresh air, helping rejuvenate our spirits and improve overall well-being.

What is Kidulting?

Kidulting refers to adults engaging in activities typically associated with children. It’s a blend of “kid” and “adulting,” capturing the essence of grown-ups seeking playful escapades, whether coloring, building with LEGOs, or playing old-school video games.

The Modern Stress Epidemic

The Burden of the 21st Century

With its rapid technological advancements and constantly shifting societal expectations, the 21st century presents unique challenges. We’re more connected than ever, yet often feel isolated; we have tools that promise efficiency, but we’re busier than before. This paradoxical age has ushered in stressors that our predecessors could hardly imagine.

From Physical to Emotional: The Changing Face of Stress

Historically, stress was a physical response to tangible threats – wild animals or hostile tribes. Today, however, our battles are more emotional and psychological. Financial pressures, work deadlines, social media comparisons, and the quest for personal fulfillment amplify emotional turmoil, marking a significant shift in how we experience and cope with stress.

The Psychology Behind Kidulting

The Inner Child Theory

Within each of us exists an “inner child” – that fragment of our psyche that still holds onto youth’s innocence, curiosity, and spontaneity. When we engage in “kidulting” activities, we’re not just playing; we’re tapping into this inner reservoir of joy and wonder, allowing our adult selves to heal, rejuvenate, and experience pure, unfiltered happiness.

Reconnecting with Simpler Times

Modern life’s endless responsibilities and challenges can overshadow the simple pleasures we once enjoyed. Kidulting is our bridge back to those moments. By letting ourselves momentarily step away from the complexities of adulthood, we get a chance to relive the carefree days of our past, finding solace and strength in the process.

Why Kidulting Works

The Science of Play and Stress Relief

When adults indulge in playful activities, more happens than just fun. Engaging in such pursuits releases endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These act as a counter to stress, offering both immediate relief and long-term resilience. Play isn’t just a child’s domain; it’s a scientifically backed method for adults to alleviate life’s pressures.

Embracing Vulnerability

In the hustle of adulthood, we often build walls around ourselves, masking our true feelings and fears. Kidulting allows us to lower these defenses, offering a safe space to be genuine, raw, and open. Paradoxically embracing our vulnerability becomes a source of strength, fostering deeper connections with ourselves and others around us.

Ideas Popular Kidulting Activities

Coloring and Crafts

Remember the sheer joy of filling a blank page with vibrant hues? Coloring isn’t just for kids. Many adults now turn to coloring books and crafts as a therapeutic escape from the digital world. These activities stir creativity and provide a meditative space for relaxation and mindfulness.

Playground Workouts

Who said playgrounds were only for children? The swings, slides, and monkey bars aren’t just fun; they’re a fantastic workout opportunity. Adults are innovatively using playground equipment to add an element of play to their fitness routines, making exercise both effective and enjoyable.

Toy Collecting

Revisiting childhood favorites or exploring new collectibles, toy collecting isn’t just about accumulating objects. For many adults, it’s a journey down memory lane, celebrating nostalgia or appreciating the art and design of toys. Beyond mere possession, it’s about cherishing moments and milestones from yesteryears.

Kidulting in the Real World

Companies Catering to Kidults

The rise of kidulting hasn’t gone unnoticed in the business world. Companies are swiftly recognizing this trend, offering products and services tailored to this new demographic of playful adults. From adult-sized onesies to board games designed with mature themes, businesses creatively bridge the gap between childhood joys and adult preferences.

Societal Acceptance

The beauty of our evolving society lies in its growing inclusivity. Gone are the days when age-specific activities were set in stone. Kidulting is accepted and celebrated today as a refreshing take on self-care and mental well-being. Communities and social groups centered around kidulting activities are blossoming, validating that it’s perfectly fine to be a grown-up and still play with LEGO or enjoy a merry-go-round.

Critics of Kidulting

Escapism or Coping Mechanism?

While many champion the merits of kidulting, some critics view it with skepticism. They argue that excessively turning to childlike activities may act as escapism, potentially detaching individuals from real-world responsibilities. Is it a genuine coping mechanism, or are we simply running from adult challenges?

The Balance of Adulthood and Play

Another perspective voiced by critics centers on the need for balance. Engaging in childlike activities is refreshing, but there’s a thin line between rejuvenation and overindulgence. It’s essential to strike a harmony between the joys of kidulting and the duties of adulthood, ensuring one doesn’t overshadow the other. After all, life’s about balancing play with responsibility.

How to Start Kidulting

Finding Your Passion

Before jumping into the world of kidulting, take a moment to reflect on what truly sparks joy for you. Think back to your childhood. Were there activities you couldn’t get enough of? It could be doodling, building forts, or racing toy cars. Your passion doesn’t need to be grand; it just needs to resonate with your inner child. Start small, and let the journey unfold from there.

Integrating Play into Daily Routine

Kidulting doesn’t require setting aside massive chunks of time. It’s about weaving moments of play into your day. It could be sketching during your lunch break, doing hopscotch while walking, or blowing bubbles on your balcony in the evening. Find pockets of time and fill them with lightness and laughter. Remember, it’s less about the activity and more about letting loose and enjoying the moment.

Life Stories

Valentina, a 35-year-old software engineer, was increasingly frazzled with back-to-back meetings and tight project deadlines. One day, during a video call, her niece showcased a handmade bracelet she crafted from beads. Memories of Valentina’s bead-making days came flooding back.

After the call, Valentina fetched an old bead kit tucked away in her attic. Every evening, for just ten minutes, she started crafting bracelets, keychains, and even necklaces. This simple activity became her anchor, a way to detach from the digital chaos and connect with a tangible, joyful task.

Months later, she shared on a team call, “Those ten minutes of beadwork aren’t just about crafting. They’re my daily reminder that amidst the chaos, there’s always a bead of simplicity waiting to be threaded into my life.”

Notes Tips and Strategies

  • Start a Kidulting Journal: Document your kidulting journey, jotting down activities you tried, how they made you feel, and what you’d like to explore next.
  • Create a Kidult Corner: Dedicate a small space in your home where you keep all things related to your childlike activities. If you’re enthusiastic, it could be a drawer, a box, or even a room!
  • Engage in Group Activities: Consider joining or forming a group (even if it’s virtual) that shares your kidulting interests. It can be a board game night, a LEGO building session, or a toy swap.
  • Stay Updated: There are numerous blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels dedicated to adult fans of various hobbies. Stay updated on trends, ideas, and shared experiences.
  • Rediscover Outdoor Play: Revisit activities like flying kites, playing catch, or even jumping rope. Not only are they fun, but they also offer a good workout!
  • Set Kidulting Goals: Challenge yourself with monthly goals, like completing a jigsaw puzzle, trying a new DIY craft, or attending a themed dress-up party.
  • Share Your Experiences: Talk about your kidulting activities with friends and family. You’ll be surprised how many of them might want to join in or share their tales.
  • Mix and Match: Combine regular adult tasks with playful elements. For instance, turn cleaning into a game or incorporate playful designs into your work presentations.
  • Explore Kidulting Apps: Numerous apps cater to our inner child, from digital coloring books to playful meditation exercises.
  • Embrace Learning: Consider taking a class in something you loved as a child, pottery, dance, or even magic tricks. It’s a great way to hone a skill while having fun!



Kidulting, in its essence, serves as a gentle reminder of the simpler joys of life in an age where the pace of life often feels relentless. Taking a moment to reconnect with our inner child offers a much-needed respite. It’s not about shunning responsibilities or evading the challenges of adulthood. Instead, kidulting advocates for a balanced approach where moments of play coexist with our daily duties. By allowing ourselves the liberty to embrace these playful pursuits, we alleviate stress and rediscover the world through a lens of wonder and curiosity.

Call to Action Call to Action: Kickstart Your Kidulting Journey

Step 1: Reflect on Childhood Joys. Take a quiet moment to remember what made you happiest as a child. Was it drawing, playing with toys, or dancing in the rain?

Step 2: Start Small. No need to overhaul your routine. Find a small activity you can integrate into your day. This could be coloring for ten minutes before bed or listening to a childhood favorite song during your morning commute.

Step 3: Create a Kidulting Space. Dedicate a corner in your home for kidulting activities. It could be a craft table, a reading nook, or a box of toys and games.

Step 4: Share the Experience. Invite a friend to join you in a kidulting activity. It can be a playdate for grown-ups!

Step 5: Document the Journey. Consider keeping a journal or photo log of your kidulting adventures. It’s a great way to see how these activities impact your mood and day-to-day life.

Step 6: Stay Consistent. While you don’t need to indulge in kidulting daily, maintain a consistent schedule. It could be every weekend or every Wednesday evening.

Step 7: Celebrate the Small Wins. Finished a puzzle? Had an impromptu dance session? Celebrate these moments. They’re small steps towards a more balanced, joyful life.

Warning Disclaimer

This post is for general information only. This is not medical advice and should not replace your treatment plan. A qualified healthcare professional should be consulted before making decisions about treatment.